Custome Buddypress Theme (Profile & Group) - RTMedia theme issues

Hello there,

I am having a little problem with a custom theme I am working on. I am using the buddypress legacy files to change the buddypress profile and groups. For this I added an index.php into the sub folders with the edited templates. So far so good - everything works fine.

RTMedia ignores those templates, and it tries to use my buddypress.php from the main folder. I I delete it, it is using the index.php from the main theme folder.

I read, that I have to tell rtMedia which file to use, so I added a new theme file “index-media.php” (which is simillar to index.php, just with some html and css in it) and added also this to my functions.php:

function rtmedia_main_template_include($template, $new_rt_template) {
global $wp_query;
$wp_query->is_page = true;
return locate_template('index-media.php', true, true);
add_filter('rtmedia_main_template_include', 'rtmedia_main_template_include', 20, 2);

rtMedia is using the file, but the problem is, that it also loads the other file (buddypress.php), so that on top I have the new file (index-media.php), with the gallery and everything else in it, and below it I have the same galley again, but with the difference, that it is still using buddypress.php. Do I have to unload the buddypress.php/index.php somehow?

Also is it possible to have a seperate main theme file for profiles and groups, as I wanted to style them differently?

Thanks for your help in advance!

Hi @Lumartist,

I don’t get it what you mean by “on top I have the new file (index-media.php), with the gallery and everything else in it, and below it I have the same galley again”?

You have copied all the BuddyPress templates in your theme to override right? If so, it shouldn’t have any problem with rtMedia at all.

If you have override BuddyPress templates, you can style them as you want/