Compile the latest nginx release from source with EasyEngine

Hello everyone,

My bash script to compile the lastest nginx mainline release from source is now available on Github

Do not use it in production without running tests on a staging server first

The most part of my servers (Ubuntu 16.04 LTS) are running with this compiled nginx version.

Nginx current release : v1.13.8

others modification :

  • ngx_coolkit
  • ngx_brotli
  • ngx_slowfs_cache
  • ngx_http_substitutions_filter_module
  • nginx-dynamic-tls-records-patch_1.13.0+
  • ngx_http_auth_pam_module
  • ngx_pagespeed (optional)


In order to correctly add ngx_http_auth_pam_module one just have to:

apt-get install libpam0g-dev

I just compiled Nginx in a brand new Ubuntu 16.04 VPS with mod_auth_pam, according to my needs, using a slightly modified version of your script. :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot, bro!

Great ! Can you add a pull request to add this in my bash script ? Just fork the Github repository, add the libpam0g-dev package in the apt install line, the address of the github repo for your module in git clone area and the line --add_module in the configuration.

I’m not used to Git, but I guess it’s a good time to learn something new. :slight_smile:

I’ll do it.

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Thanks for the pull request, ngx_http_auth_pam_module is now added !

@virtubox Hi, just my comment as a normal user: I am soo thankful and happy about this! Finally there is something going on with EasyEngine which for me remains the best option when it comes to server administration. Forget plesk and other webpanels. @rahul286 On a sidenote: nginx helper plugin(which comes preinstalled) will not purge with https sites and redis cache. I had to disable and replace it with simple cache . You can also use powered cache.

Which plugins are these, @mrmad?

They are named actually just named exactly as I wrote earlier: Simple Cache Plugin and Powered Cache.

How do you create your sites in EE in order to use these cache plugins?

Simple Cache does not seem to store page cache in REDIS, but in filesystem instead. I’ll take a look now at Powered Cache.

Actually Simple Cache DOES use redis.

You can enable page-cache and/or select object cache (memcached or redis) in advanced mode. You do not create those sites in EE, you have to manually install and enable the plugins.

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My bash script isn’t compatible with Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS at the moment, I will check what is missing.

About cache enabler, it work fine but http2 usage isn’t related to a plugin. EasyEngine always enable http2 support with Nginx.

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When you use ee site create/update yoursite.tld --letsencrypt, EE set automatically the http2 directive in your vhost

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What others circumstances ?

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Let’s Encrypt isn’t popular only because it’s free. And for me, it’s still a strange idea to use paid SSL certificates when you use EE.

With Cloudflare, http2 will always be enabled on by the nginx reverse-proxy used by Cloudflare, but all request to your server are done under HTTP/1.1 (you can check your nginx access log to see the protocol used after adding the variable '$server_protocol'to your nginx log_format in nginx.conf)

I do not think I know everything about Cloudflare, but I browse their support articles enough to find some informations :

Thanks for this. I’m going to give this a go later this week when I have some free time. I noticed the lack of upgrades on EE lately. Any other updates folks would recommend that would fall inside the scope of EE?

Will report back.