Command manual easyengine update [ubuntu 16.04]

Command to update EE3 ee update fails. Manual command for Ubuntu 16.04 which works as May 2019 (under root account) is:

wget -qO ee && bash ee

I wrote this post because this thread is closed for new comments.

Hello @Jasom,
As EasyEngine v3 isn’t supported by rtCamp since January 2019, I highly recommend to take a look on WordOps (EEv3 Fork) for people who are not going to migrate to EEv4. We are going to publish the stable release in the next few days.

Thank you @virtubox for tip on WordOps, I will try it. It will be 4th server reinstall within one week :blush:

I plan to use EEv4 in future because it solves problem around malware attack (in EEv3 when one site attacked, whole server gets “dirty” since all WP installations run under same user www-data), but they need to finish staff around www vs. non-www redicect and problem with files access using www-data user.

Having the sites containered is useful because of PHP vulnerabilities like this: I tried it myself and pretty much saw the root files of the container. Imagine someone running this on a non containered host? They can get your SSH keys and other sensitive information.

Here’s one of the vulnerabilities
