Child Theme Included With All Premium Themes

I feel that child themes should be included with RTCamp premium themes like themes I have purchased from other theme developers. This will prevent feature questions on setting up a child theme due to it already being included with the package download.

With Inspirebook I had issues with setting up the child theme, widgets disappearing and had to scour for information in separate locations on how to set it up due to it not being located under Inspirebook > Docs > Child Theme for setting it up for this theme.

Hello Charla,
I greatly appreciate the suggestion you have provided us. We will surely include child theme with the package download in upcoming premium themes.

Again, thank you so much for your tip. :slight_smile:

Eagerly iam awaiting for Child theme as my current changes should not spoil after upgrading the stuff.

Hello Rajandran,

Child theme is easy to create, here you can find the details.

In the child theme directory, create a file called style.css. This is the only file required to make a child theme. The style sheet must start with the following lines:

Theme Name: InspireBook Child  
Template: inspirebook  
Theme URI:  
Description: InspireBook Child Theme.  
Version: 1.0  
Author: rtCamp  
Author URI:  
Tags: blue, white, one-column, two-columns, right-sidebar, custom-menu, editor-style, theme-options, threaded-comments, translation-ready, responsive-layout, full-width-template, buddypress  

let me know for further assistance.


Yeh thanks will try it out and keep you posted here.

Sure :slight_smile: