Can't edit when there is an image in the post

Hi - The ability to edit in posts where there is an image is gone. I found this code here. When I add it, I see the ‘edit’ button, but it does not work. Is there updated code for this somewhere that you can point me too?

if ( current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) {

add_filter( 'b_e_a_plugin_option_editable_types', 'add_rtmedia_activity_to_editable_types' );
function add_rtmedia_activity_to_editable_types( $editable_types_array ){
$myactivity_type = 'rtmedia_update';
if( !in_array( $myactivity_type, $editable_types_array ) ){
$editable_types_array[] = $myactivity_type;
return $editable_types_array;
