Can we make all photos on our site open with RTMedia lightbox?


Is there a way to make all images throughout our site always open in the RTMedia lightbox? Even if they were uploaded with the WordPress “Add Media” method?

Thank you!

James Wolfensberger

Checking in… will I be able to get a response to this? I’m a Pro licensee. Thank you!


Hi @jgwolfensberger,

sorry, due to weekend this delay happened.

We are using magnific popup Js library --> . You can use the same for WordPress “Add Media”.

Thanks so much @pranalipatel


Hi @jgwolfensberger,

You are welcome.

@pranalipatel - I’ve looked over the information for magnific popup, but it’s beyond my skill level. Would you be able to explain to me how to implement it?


Hi @jgwolfensberger,

You may need to hire a developer as it depends on theme.