Cached using Nginx-Helper Comments Coming Through on Ajax Json Response

I am using a script called aMember to handle content protection.

The script embeds subscription forms in specific URLs like:


One particular form does not work when I click the submit button.

I checked the network communication in Chrome dev tools and I noticed the following response from the server when I clicked submit:


The json response is fine, but the comments after it are causing issues with the form.

Is there some way to prevent this? If I have to, I am ok with turning off the comments entirely.

I changed the theme to the default, and it still does the same.

Not sure if this post is public, so I didn’t send specific information on my server, etc. You guys did set up my server stack a couple of months ago, and did a very nice job, by the way.

If you need more information, would be happy to provide that.



You need to turn “Enable Nginx Timestamp in HTML” option off in WordPress Dashboard >> Settings >> Nginx Helper

Please see attached screenshot.

Attachment Link(s):


I’m so sorry, of course! Slipped my memory that this option existed in the Nginx-Helper settings.

You guys do a great job!

My apologies, and thank you!


No issues. Glad to know I could help! :slight_smile: