Buddypress Media: "media still being processed..." error

I have the same issue. My error on Debian 6.0 says "Unable To Clonning x264 Repository" -- can someone please help me?


Make sure your Debian system has git package installed. You can install the git package by running the following command.

sudo apt-get -y --force-yes git

Also run the following commands to setup media-node and please attach the log.txt file for further debugging.

cd /tmp

sudo rm -rf /root/media-node

curl https://raw.github.com/rtCamp/media-node/master/setup/debian.sh | sudo bash | tee -ai log.txt

Hi Mitesh. Thanks for your response. Here are the results from the log.txt file.

If you send me your email, I will send you the login information to the server. I need some help with this please.


You can send me the server details at mitesh dot shah at rtcamp dot com


I have updated the script. Now, you can easily install media-node on your Debian system. Just execute the following commands to setup media-node.

rm -rf /root/media-node/

cd /tmp git clone git://github.com/rtCamp/media-node.git cd media-node sudo bash install.sh | tee -ai media-node.log

That worked! It appears to be running fine. I purchased the FFMPEG addon and entered in the details of the server. When I upload images it's fine. When I upload video it says the following:

Sorry, no media items were found in this album.

I disabled the bp-album plugin I had running, but I still get the same message. Can you help me out?