Because my email does not send and does not receive

Hello sorry to English! I wanted friends could to help me. I intalei all installation procedures emails (vimbadmin - rouncube), but I do not receive emails on wordpress and not in the inbox, someone help me with a solution?

Have you configured your DNS to receive the email ?

Hello friends this is my setup:

A - mail - A - @ - A - webmail - mx - 5 - TXT - @ - v=spf1 a mx ip4:

if you can help me I will be very grateful

I doesn’t see any error. You should maybe use the MX with a 10 priority but if mail.yourdomain is pointing to your VPS. What is the VPS hostname ? have you setup a reverse DNS ?

What is the name of the host VPS? You have to set up a reverse DNS? Can you tell me what you mean?

For an email server, your VPS must have a correct hostname (/etc/hosts file) and also a reverse DNS, which is the opposite of an A record, because it’s to resolve your domain from your IP.

You could find a quick tutorial about that here :

I see that he speaks portuguese, so I can maybe help.


O que ele quis dizer eh que seu servidor tem que ter o hostname correto (tem que bater com o servico de email) e tbm tem que ter um DNS Reverso, que eh o contrario de um DNS normal, ou seja, ao inves de resolver o nome do dominio pro IP, resolve do IP pro nome de dominio. Segue o tutorial no link que ele passou.



What he means is that your server has to have the correct hostname, and also a reverse DNS, ie. instead of resolving your IP from your Domain, it resolves Domain from IP. Please follow the guide he quoted.

OK sorry for the delay