Asking for MySQL user and Password again and again


First of all thanks for your awesome script, we really liked this useful script and using it in our production.

However, suddenly a problem started to occur, I am doing sudo ee site create --wp

After installing WordPress it asks for Enter The MySQL Username [root]:
and if I enter some username for instance, ivan
After this asks for Enter The MySQL Password:
say I type mypassword

After this, it again asks me for username and password repeatedly. I am not getting why it asking me like this, because it was working fine before.

Please help me it is urgent and I don’t want to work without easyengine. :slight_smile:

Thanks guys


EasyEngine need mysql root user credential to create a new Database, MySQL user/pass for your WordPress website.

Its seems like ~/.my.cnf file is not present in your home directory,
Please cross check

If above file ~/.my.cnf is not present then please check /root/.my.cnf file and copy that file in your home directory

Hello @ivan,

I hope your query is resolved. I am closing this support ticket for now.

Feel free to create a new support ticket if you have any queries further. :slight_smile: