Alternative to PageSpeed


Now that RTCamp does not support PageSpeed anymore, has any of you managed to have it working and running nevertheless?

I have two customers driving me nuts allegating I “downgraded” their services because os drop of support to PageSpeed, and I’m considering alternatives for them.

I didn’t find any equivalent solution either and would like to hear from others.

I’m considering going back to CentminMod. It would be a difficult move, since I’d rather use Ubuntu whenever I can.

Why was pagespeed ditched? How is CentminMod?

Centminmod, AFAIK, does not support HHVM and/or PHP7 out of the box, or Let’s Encrypt. It is far more complicated than EE.

@janiosarmento – PHP7 is available in Centminmod, but LetsEncrypt isn’t quite available as they are building a customized version of as and it’s unfortunately not available yet.