Album Description not working?

Hi! Great plug-in! I’ve started testing it on our live site but am not able to add Album Descriptions to Albums. When editing an existing album you provide the option to edit both the name of the album and add a description. Unfortunately the “description” field doesn’t seem to work. You can enter text into the form field, but on submission the copy simply disappears and does not appear to save. Is this a known issue? Any way to fix it?

Has anyone else run into this issue?


We have figure out and fixed this issue. We will be releasing new update by today only. Thanks for reporting the issue.

Hi @riteshpatel Thanks for the speedy reply - and the imminent fix! Great! I’ll look out for the update and let you know if all operates correctly. Thanks again.

Hi @riteshpatel - I just updated the plugin and the album description does appear to save now, but it doesn’t actually appear anywhere on the page. Am I missing something or is there something else you guys need to do? Thanks.


By default rtMedia doesn’t show album description. It depends on theme if it want to show album description. You can add following code in media-gallery.php template in theme if you have override rtMedia templates into theme to show album description.

if( is_rtmedia_album() ){
	    $album_post_id = rtmedia_media_id( $rtmedia_query->media_query['album_id'] );
	    echo get_post_field( "post_content", $album_post_id );

We will be adding new function in next update named rtmedia_get_media_description using which you can get the description of media, till then you can use above code if you want to show album description.

Brilliant! That worked! :slight_smile: I had to change “post content” for ‘post content’ but otherwise the code snippet worked exactly as expected.

Thanks again! :slight_smile:


Glad to know that worked for you.
