I have a very weird issue on a server of mine: Admin Tools just do not install.
After installing the server I moved to Nginx Mainline in order to achieve HTTP/2 and Let’s Encrypt working. All perfect.
Right now I need phpMyAdmin to modify a record in a database table. I tried:
ee stack install --admin
Everything seems to be working, but there is nothing listening on port 22222.
Also, there is “22222” directory inside /var/www
, but not in sites-enabled
neither in sites-available
I tried ee stack remove --admin
followed by a new install a dozen times, but no success.
My ee.log contains the following:
root@ee:/var/log/ee# cat ee.log
2016-01-10 23:51:52,325 (DEBUG) ee : logging initialized for 'ee' using LoggingLogHandler
2016-01-10 23:51:52,644 (DEBUG) ee : ['/usr/local/bin/ee', 'stack', 'install', '--admin']
2016-01-10 23:51:52,644 (DEBUG) ee : collecting arguments/commands for <ee.cli.controllers.base.EEBaseController object at 0x7f647306c978>
2016-01-10 23:51:52,647 (DEBUG) ee : collecting arguments/commands for <ee.cli.plugins.stack.EEStackController object at 0x7f647306ce48>
2016-01-10 23:51:52,649 (DEBUG) ee : collecting arguments/commands for <ee.cli.plugins.stack_services.EEStackStatusController object at 0x7f647307a320>
2016-01-10 23:51:52,654 (INFO) ee : Initializing EasyEngine Database
2016-01-10 23:51:52,657 (DEBUG) ee : Setting apt_packages variable for Nginx
2016-01-10 23:51:54,187 (DEBUG) ee : Nginx already installed
2016-01-10 23:51:54,188 (INFO) ee : Nginx already installed
2016-01-10 23:51:54,188 (DEBUG) ee : Setting apt_packages variable for PHP
2016-01-10 23:51:55,074 (DEBUG) ee : PHP already installed
2016-01-10 23:51:55,075 (INFO) ee : PHP already installed
2016-01-10 23:51:55,075 (DEBUG) ee : Setting apt_packages variable for MySQL
2016-01-10 23:51:55,076 (DEBUG) ee : Running command: mysqladmin ping
2016-01-10 23:51:55,120 (DEBUG) ee : Command Output: mysqld is alive
Command Error:
2016-01-10 23:51:55,121 (DEBUG) ee : MySQL connection is already alive
2016-01-10 23:51:55,121 (INFO) ee : MySQL connection is already alive
2016-01-10 23:51:55,121 (DEBUG) ee : Setting packages varible for phpMyAdmin
2016-01-10 23:51:55,121 (DEBUG) ee : Setting packages variable for Adminer
2016-01-10 23:51:55,122 (DEBUG) ee : Setting packages variable for utils
2016-01-10 23:51:55,122 (DEBUG) ee : Calling pre_pref
2016-01-10 23:51:55,122 (DEBUG) ee : Downloading following: [['https://github.com/phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin/archive/STABLE.tar.gz', '/tmp/pma.tar.gz', 'phpMyAdmin'], ['http://downloads.sourceforge.net/adminer/adminer-4.2.1.php', '/var/www/22222/htdocs/db/adminer/index.php', 'Adminer'], ['http://phpmemcacheadmin.googlecode.com/files/phpMemcachedAdmin-1.2.2-r262.tar.gz', '/tmp/memcache.tar.gz', 'phpMemcachedAdmin'], ['https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rtCamp/eeadmin/master/cache/nginx/clean.php', '/var/www/22222/htdocs/cache/nginx/clean.php', 'clean.php'], ['https://raw.github.com/rlerdorf/opcache-status/master/opcache.php', '/var/www/22222/htdocs/cache/opcache/opcache.php', 'opcache.php'], ['https://raw.github.com/amnuts/opcache-gui/master/index.php', '/var/www/22222/htdocs/cache/opcache/opgui.php', 'Opgui'], ['https://gist.github.com/ck-on/4959032/raw/0b871b345fd6cfcd6d2be030c1f33d1ad6a475cb/ocp.php', '/var/www/22222/htdocs/cache/opcache/ocp.php', 'OCP.php'], ['https://github.com/jokkedk/webgrind/archive/master.tar.gz', '/tmp/webgrind.tar.gz', 'Webgrind'], ['http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~percona-toolkit-dev/percona-toolkit/2.1/download/head:/ptquerydigest-20110624220137-or26tn4expb9ul2a-16/pt-query-digest', '/usr/bin/pt-query-advisor', 'pt-query-advisor'], ['https://github.com/box/Anemometer/archive/master.tar.gz', '/tmp/anemometer.tar.gz', 'Anemometer']]
2016-01-10 23:51:55,122 (INFO) ee : Downloading phpMyAdmin
2016-01-10 23:51:56,102 (INFO) ee : [Done]
2016-01-10 23:51:56,102 (INFO) ee : Downloading Adminer
2016-01-10 23:52:15,305 (INFO) ee : [Done]
2016-01-10 23:52:15,305 (INFO) ee : Downloading phpMemcachedAdmin
2016-01-10 23:52:15,345 (INFO) ee : [Done]
2016-01-10 23:52:15,346 (INFO) ee : Downloading clean.php
2016-01-10 23:52:15,480 (INFO) ee : [Done]
2016-01-10 23:52:15,481 (INFO) ee : Downloading opcache.php
2016-01-10 23:52:15,769 (INFO) ee : [Done]
2016-01-10 23:52:15,770 (INFO) ee : Downloading Opgui
2016-01-10 23:52:16,110 (INFO) ee : [Done]
2016-01-10 23:52:16,110 (INFO) ee : Downloading OCP.php
2016-01-10 23:52:16,408 (INFO) ee : [Done]
2016-01-10 23:52:16,409 (INFO) ee : Downloading Webgrind
2016-01-10 23:52:16,709 (INFO) ee : [Done]
2016-01-10 23:52:16,710 (INFO) ee : Downloading pt-query-advisor
2016-01-10 23:52:18,773 (INFO) ee : [Done]
2016-01-10 23:52:18,774 (INFO) ee : Downloading Anemometer
2016-01-10 23:52:19,138 (INFO) ee : [Done]
2016-01-10 23:52:19,138 (DEBUG) ee : Calling post_pref
2016-01-10 23:52:20,680 (DEBUG) ee : Extracting file /tmp/pma.tar.gz to location /tmp/
2016-01-10 23:52:20,681 (DEBUG) ee : Setting Blowfish Secret Key FOR COOKIE AUTH to /var/www/22222/htdocs/db/pma/config.inc.php file
2016-01-10 23:52:20,681 (DEBUG) ee : Doning search and replace, File:/var/www/22222/htdocs/db/pma/config.inc.php,Source string:$cfg['blowfish_secret'] = '';, Dest String:$cfg['blowfish_secret'] = 'Lwf5LxTzNf';
2016-01-10 23:52:20,683 (DEBUG) ee : Setting HOST Server For Mysql to /var/www/22222/htdocs/db/pma/config.inc.php file
2016-01-10 23:52:20,683 (DEBUG) ee : Doning search and replace, File:/var/www/22222/htdocs/db/pma/config.inc.php,Source string:$cfg['Servers'][$i]['host'] = 'localhost';, Dest String:$cfg['Servers'][$i]['host'] = 'localhost';
2016-01-10 23:52:20,684 (DEBUG) ee : Setting Privileges of webroot permission to /var/www/22222/htdocs/db/pma file
2016-01-10 23:52:20,684 (DEBUG) ee : Changing ownership of /var/www/22222, Userid:33,Groupid:33
2016-01-10 23:52:20,762 (DEBUG) ee : Extracting memcache.tar.gz to location /var/www/22222/htdocs/cache/memcache
2016-01-10 23:52:20,783 (DEBUG) ee : Setting Privileges to /var/www/22222/htdocs/cache/memcache file
2016-01-10 23:52:20,783 (DEBUG) ee : Changing ownership of /var/www/22222, Userid:33,Groupid:33
2016-01-10 23:52:20,859 (DEBUG) ee : Extracting file webgrind.tar.gz to location /tmp/
2016-01-10 23:52:20,879 (DEBUG) ee : Doning search and replace, File:/var/www/22222/htdocs/php/webgrind/config.php,Source string:/usr/local/bin/dot, Dest String:/usr/bin/dot
2016-01-10 23:52:20,880 (DEBUG) ee : Doning search and replace, File:/var/www/22222/htdocs/php/webgrind/config.php,Source string:Europe/Copenhagen, Dest String:America/Sao_Paulo
2016-01-10 23:52:20,881 (DEBUG) ee : Doning search and replace, File:/var/www/22222/htdocs/php/webgrind/config.php,Source string:90, Dest String:100
2016-01-10 23:52:20,882 (DEBUG) ee : Setting Privileges of webroot permission to /var/www/22222/htdocs/php/webgrind/ file
2016-01-10 23:52:20,882 (DEBUG) ee : Changing ownership of /var/www/22222, Userid:33,Groupid:33
2016-01-10 23:52:20,960 (DEBUG) ee : Extracting file anemometer.tar.gz to location /tmp/
2016-01-10 23:52:21,044 (DEBUG) ee : Running command: mysql < /var/www/22222/htdocs/db/anemometer/install.sql
2016-01-10 23:52:22,466 (DEBUG) ee : Command Output: ,
Command Error:
2016-01-10 23:52:22,470 (DEBUG) ee : Exceuting MySQL Statement : grant select on *.* to 'anemometer'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'GJvHCqDO'
2016-01-10 23:52:22,472 (DEBUG) ee : grant all on slow-query-log.* to anemometer@root_user IDENTIFIED BY password
2016-01-10 23:52:22,474 (DEBUG) ee : configration Anemometer
2016-01-10 23:52:22,475 (DEBUG) ee : loading template file /usr/lib/ee/templates/anemometer.mustache
2016-01-10 23:52:22,478 (DEBUG) ee : Changing permission of /usr/bin/pt-query-advisor, Perm:509
2016-01-10 23:52:22,478 (INFO) ee : Successfully installed packages
Thanks in advance for any help, it will be highly appreciated.