Adding plugins to install when EE installs WordPress

Hi there,

Is there a way to add to the plugins that are installed when EE installs WordPress. We have a standard set of plugins that we usually install on client sites, is there a way to have these installed when EE installs WP.

Thanks Francois Wessels

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really looking forward to an answer for this… +1


currently there is no such provision in EasyEngine. but surely this can be a good feature in future :smile:

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@harshadyeola @mahir yes, I think this will create a lot of time-saving when setting up a new site. Another possible solution in the meantime could be to use WP-CLI to install plugins?

Regards franwess

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It’s fairly easy to write a bash script which will run a bunch of wp-cli commands, such as:

cd /var/www/

wp plugin install akismet

… etc

Perhaps EE could have “hooks”, or callbacks to specially named scripts before and after certain actions.

I’d really benefit of a “hook” after site creation in order to install and automatically configure some plugins (like WPS Hide Login, EWWW Image Optimizer, as well to copy standard nginx.conf to appropriate location in domain.