Adding Multiple Sites to a single droplet (using the same IP)

Hi guys :slight_smile:

I’ve been using EasyEngine for one of my sites for a few months and it’s been great.

I’ve now tried to add an additional site, and after it was added to EasyEngine and I added the IP for my droplet to Cloudflare, it is redirecting me to my first site instead of the new one.

Does anyone have any suggestions on what to do? Most of the information I am seeing here is for EE v3, and does not seem to work for me.

Just an update on this.

I removed both my sites and added them back, without LetsEncrypt. I also set the SSL Settings in CloudFlare to flexible.

It now works correctly for me :slight_smile:

Add your site with “www”, unlike without www, and use in the cloudflre the form “Full”, doing this you do not need to use flexible ssl, you can use quietly as many sites (27) as you want in your vps, with SSl Le, as long as you always create with “ee site create www.sitena…” (V4)

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