Add Media upload button to activity/hub/member reply comments

Hi there,

Can we add the media upload button to the comments reply form just like the comment form. I want user to be able to upload medias to a comment also. Could you please help me to enable to add media to comments as well as the comment-reply in member profile page and buddypres activity comment reply form.

Any Progress in this? I would also love to add the media in the reply field of a topic/ activity etc. I have absolutely no idea how to get it. Any idea on this?

Hi! I’m looking as well to this functionnality. I’m fine in paying an addon to RTMedia for that. I saw that such addon exist, but for BBpress, not Buddypress. Thanks!

up! :slight_smile: Any Progress in this?

This would be very useful to have. As soon as this could be implemented the better! Thanks

this is a new plugin in the WordPress repository you might try out – it seems to keep image sizes small but you may still want to use imsanity free plugin as well to keep users from loading huge image files.

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Any Progress on this. Allowing media in activity stream replies would be nice :slight_smile: