Add Media Button doesnt work after Update

PHP 5.2.12-nmm4  

MYSQL 5.1.70 WordPress 3.5.1 BuddyPress 1.8.1 rtMedia 3.1 OS Linux Imagick ImageMagick 6.5.7-8 2012-08-17 Q16 GD bundled (2.0.34 compatible) [php.ini] post_max_size 200M [php.ini] upload_max_filesize 200M [php.ini] memory_limit 128M

Add Media Button has no effect whatsoever after Updating to 3.1 What could be the reason?

Can I rollback safely to V. 3.0.11 ?

@participant - Yes you should be able to rollback to the previous version safely. But could you specify which browser are you facing this issue on? Does the same issue occur on our demo ->

Also a link or two would help debug your issue better.

this was a private reply with post_id 45837

@participant - I was able to open the link you gave but the content was vanishing on load. Looks like you might have a js conflict here with your theme or some other plugin. Try switching the theme to default and deactivating the other plugins and check.

this was a private reply with post_id 46121

@participant - It doesn't load when logged in too. Could you confirm if the issue occurs when the other plugins have been deactivated and the theme switched to default?