Activity Updates Filter showing Updates with attachment

Hi, I'm still newbie ;-) may be I made something wrong and it's not the first thread about it, sorry

once applied the following change, shared by @riteshpatelrtcamp (closed topic)

<?php if ( bp_has_activities( bp_ajax_querystring( 'activity' ).'&action=activity_update,rtmedia_update' ) ) : ?>

For now... even if I set 'New Groups', 'Friendship' filter, etc, then all updates 're showed! (only updates, without any automatic updates like 'New Groups' for example)

PS: Not tried on a fresh install'.. it's on the road ;-) but in my case if I remove this modification, all is right

rtMedia 3.2.10 runing on WP 3.7.1 and BP 1.8.1 (twenty twelve child theme)

@laurett, We tried on our end and the filter is working fine for new group, friend requests etc. Make sure you have used right name of activity type. For New group, activity type is "created_group" and for friendship, it is "friendship_created".

Thanks @riteshpatelrtcamp one more time ;-) for your quick reply

yep when I select 'Friendship' then all updates 're displayed at this point

In this file wp-content/themes/my-2012-child-theme/buddypress/activity/activity-loop.php

I 've removed the following line <?php if ( bp_has_activities( bp_ajax_querystring( 'activity' ) ) ) : ?>

and later added your code above ;-) but I didn't do anything else, may be something else is nedded, isn't ?

PS: it's a copy from wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-templates/bp-legacy/activity/activity-loop.php

@laurett, I'm not able to understand what exactly is your requirement here? Could you let me know what exactly is the output you are getting right now and what is your expected output?

For more information on the working of activity loop refer this ->

this was a private reply with post_id 52604

It seems than isn’t the right place, in order to add rtMedia update type when we select ‘updates’ into this ‘show’ filter

In fact :wink: I’d like see BP updates AND rtMedia updates in this case (screen-shot)

anyway to show the following rtMedia update’s content, for example

I hope it 'll be understandable :wink: isn’t ?

Attachment Link(s):

Hi Laurett,

What I’m doing is including rtMedia updates to the activity update filter. If you copy/edit /buddypress/activity/index.php in your child theme, you can change

<?php _e( 'Updates', 'buddypress' ); ?>


<?php _e( 'Updates', 'buddypress' ); ?>

Also, if you want to add an option to only show rtMedia updates, then you can add a new line, directly under it like so

<?php _e( 'Media Updates', 'buddypress' ); ?>

You can call “Media Updates” whatever you want. Hope this is what you were looking for.

Yeees, it’s my wish :wink: many thanks @colabsadmin to share this mofification

Really my English needs to be improved, sorry! but thank you @riteshpatelrtcamp for your support in the beginning

You’re English is better than my French! Glad I could help.