Activity feed thumbnail size - filters not responding

Hi guys,

My end goal is to get images in the activity feed to use the "Large" photo size that is set in the rtMedia image size settings. I'd prefer not to change the dimensions of any image size settings, I'd prefer for the activity to just use a bigger set dimension size.

I've tried to use the "rtmedia_single_activity_filter" filter in order to modify the HMTL output, and also tried to use the "rtmedia_media_thumb" to modify the source. I can't get these filters to respond. I've also tried to edit the RtMediaActivity.php file inside the activity directory for controllers, and I can't get that file to display and changes that I made.

Example of the code I'm using just to test the filter:

add_filter( 'rtmedia_single_activity_filter', 'wpv_change_activity_photo_size', 99, 3 );  

function wpv_change_activity_photo_size( $html, $media, $boolean ){  
    return $html;  

add_filter( 'rtmedia_media_thumb', 'wpv_rtmedia_media_thumb_func', 10, 3 );  

function wpv_rtmedia_media_thumb_func( $src, $media_id, $media_type ){  
    var_dump( $src );  
    return $src;  

I'm actually testing this on a clean BuddyPress local install using the TwentyThirteen theme and no other plugins activated.

Could you guys point me in the right direction? Or clue me as to what I'm doing wrong?

Debug info:

Home URL    http://localhost/buddypress  
Site URL    http://localhost/buddypress  
PHP 5.3.13  
MYSQL   5.5.24  
WordPress   3.8.2  
BuddyPress  1.9.1-7716  
rtMedia 3.6.10  
Imagick Not Installed  
GD  bundled (2.0.34 compatible)  
[php.ini] post_max_size 200M  
[php.ini] upload_max_filesize   200M  
[php.ini] memory_limit  256M  
Installed Plugins   rtMedia for WordPress, BuddyPress and bbPress by rtCamp version 3.6.10,   
BuddyPress by The BuddyPress Community version 1.9.1  
Theme Name  Twenty Thirteen  
Theme Version   1.1  
Author URL  
Template Overrides  G:\Dropbox\Freelancing\Code\buddypress\wp-content\plugins\buddypress-media/templates/media/album-gallery-item.php,   
Total Albums    1  
Total Photos    5  

@joshi3s, Only rtmedia_single_activity_filter filter will be called and the code you had write for rtmedia_single_activity_filter filter is working. You can regenerate activity content in that filter. For full size image use rt_media_single_image image size. It is the large one image size.

Thanks for the reply. I still cannot get the filter to respond. Again, I'm using default theme with no other plugins enabled. Like I mentioned, I tried to edit every single one of the files that are outputting the markup for anything on the activity feed, and I can't get those edits to display either. I'm not using any caching plugins, either.

Could you help determine exactly where the output is for any images in the activity feed? I've honestly outright tried deleting all markup in any file that I found it with no change in the markup/output on the frontend.

I've tried:


None of the rtMedia template getting use to display the activity feed content.

All the content were getting generated from create_activity_html function, from buddypress-media\app\main\controllers\activity\RTMediaActivity.php file and passed to the BuddyPress. Displaying activity content is all getting done by BuddyPress.