Activate mod_rewrite


I would like to know how to enable mod_rewrite I’m using Ubuntu

Sorry for the ignorance I’m a layman

EasyEngine is using Nginx as webserver it doesn’t use/support mod_rewrite module. Nginx has it’s own rewrite set of rules.

What are you trying to do? If you create a new website with EE commands, like

ee site create --wp

It will create a Wordpress based website including database and it will have proper permalinks setup for you, no need to use any extra modules.

So please let us know what is it you’re trying to do? Perhaps then we can help you more.


As @tyrro told mod_rewrite is an Apache module. Please provide us what you are trying to do and we might help you to change that rule as per Nginx.

My site is not in wordpress is in mysql with own scripts.

I use the rewrite for friendly urls

I searched the internet and have to do this setting:

In my case I would have to put: rewrite ^/canal/([0-9]*).html$ /tv-online.php?latin_url=$1 last;

I don’t know if it’s right…

Where is this configuration file that shows in the video?


You would find that file under directory /etc/nginx/sites-available .

Also you can use this EE command :

ee site edit

Replace with your site name.