A couple of suggestions

After an hard work, I’m almost ready to go with my new photographic community based on rtMedia, I have to tell you, first of all, that you’ve done a fantastic work: impressive navigation, very logic and perfect to take a tour in albums, personal galleries and global gallery, the lightbox view is beautyful and now also masonry view… very good. Just a couple of suggestions:

  • at the moment moderation is used only to approve “appropriate” photo, but this tool could be more powerfull, and used for a selection of the images posted by users, to do it, it needs that admins can create dedicated gallery where put featured images, so beside “move to” option in editing an image, we need a “copy to” in order to avoid to delete the photo from its original destination. So the community could have a global gallery and also a featured images gallery;
  • it could be good to have a customizable automatic message once an image is published in glogal gallery, example, “congratulations, your photo has been approved”;
  • album tags in lightbox and in single photo page could “complete” your already good navigation;
    Thanks a lot for your attention

Hi Rico,
Thank you for your valuable feedback. I appreciate that :slight_smile:

  1. In rtMedia-PRO we are adding a new feature called favorite list. In that user can create his own list and can add media to that list. It will also come with shortcode support. Using this feature you will able to create your own list of media to publish a gallery. I hope this feature will fulfill your requirement.

  2. I will discuss this with my team.

  3. Yeah, nice suggestion. We will look into it.

Fantastic, I look farward, do you have an ETA?

Hi Rico,
This new feature will be release in next 5-7 days.

You’re great!

Further question: are you planning to give us the opportunity to put a flag over the thumbs of selected images?

Hi Rico,
I am sorry to say but we are not planning anything like that.

Today I recieved an update, is this the one with the new feature?

Hi Rico,
It was rtMedia update. This new feature will come with rtMedia-PRO update which will be released by tomorrow.


I hope you’ll also give an explananions about the new features

Hi Rico,

We had released rtMedia-PRO v2.4 with the feature we talked above.

Check this post -> https://rtcamp.com/blog/rtmedia-pro-2-4/ for the same.

Waiting for notification to update it

still not recieved the notification to update

Ok I had it, works perfectly!

Hi Rico,
I am glad to know your issue is fixed :slight_smile:

Upgraded right now, very good work. If I can, an another idea for you: many users would like to follow comments under pictures, a “follow” button could be useful to recieve notifications :wink:

Hi Rico,
Many thanks. I appreciate your valuable feedback. Sorry but we don’t have any future plans regarding follow button for comments.