504 Gateway Time-out

I have some random errors and 502 bad gateway. I have V4 with 4.0.3 and debian 9. In log I didn’t found nothing. Can you help me?! :slight_smile:

What flags did you use during site create? Can you trace me through what you did to set up a site? Is this a brand new server or did you have EE3 working on here before? Did you use the SSL flags when you created the site? If so have you configured your DNS records and finished ssl verification via ee site ssl domain.com ?

it’s a fresh instalation of vps. i used ee site create example.com --type=wp --ssl=le

Have you verified the ssl yet? (sudo ee site ssl example.com)


ee site ssl example.com
Starting SSL verification.
The authorization check was successful!
Executing first request.
Error: example.com has not yet been authorized.

Make sure you’ve opened port 80 and 443 to your server (and the rest of the ports EE needs.) Have you done this already?