3 Column Template - Left - Content - Right?

Hi All,

Firstly thanks for this really fast framework.

Can you help me on to make the theme into a 3 column that is Left Sidebar - Content - Right Sidebar template.

Thanks in Advance. :slight_smile:

Hello Avi,

For development, are you using Example rtPanel Child Theme or directly parent theme?

To made 3 column layouts you might need to use actions and filter present in rtPanel.

Thanks Manish for the quick reply.

I using the parent theme.

Trying to understand how to go about the editing to get the 3 columns.

Hello Avi,

You will need to follow below process to made 3 column layout for your custom theme,

1. Register Custom Sidebar: You will need to register new sidebar by using register_sidebar() function, provide the required parameters to this function.

2. Call registered sidebar: Create sidebar-left.php file in the root of your custom theme, this file contain dynamic_sidebar(); function and pass the registered sidebar ID as function parameter.

Note: Add your custom markup and CSS to match with the design. Make sure you have added "large-3 columns" CSS class for new sidebar wrapper.

3. Include sidebar-left.php file: Add following code to your functions.php file to include sidebar-left.php file,

function rtp_include_sidebar() {  
    get_sidebar( 'left' );  
add_action( 'rtp_hook_begin_content_row', 'rtp_include_sidebar' );

4. Change Layout: We used grid system in rtPanel, by using following filter in functions.php you can change current content and sidebar width,

add_filter( 'rtp_set_content_grid_class', create_function( '', 'return "large-6 columns";' ) ); add_filter( 'rtp_set_sidebar_grid_class', create_function( '', 'return "large-3 columns";' ) );

Important: We used 12 column layout in rtPanel, so that custom left sidebar should contain "large-3 columns" CSS class for its wrapper.

Referance URL: 1. Register Sidebar - http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/register_sidebar 2. Get Sidebar - http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/get_sidebar 3. Dynamic Sidebar - http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/dynamic_sidebar