2 WP Installs - both using Redis and SSL - 1 VPS -> Chaos

Hi there!

I just created a new wp site on a second domain on my VPS with ee. Both existing sites are using redis cache and https.

However I am getting redirected to either domain1.com or domain2.com, depending on which domain is being browsed to first after cleareing caches with ee clean --all

Somehow the server messes up caching via Redis when Redis object Cache is enabled on both wp installs and mixes up both vhosts instead of keeping each of them on seperate cache stores - although different cache prefixes are defined.

I checked wp-config.php and the cache key salt is set to different values on each of the domains.

How can I fix this mess?


I had some problem before…
i check wp-config, EE put cache key salt in last line of wp config,
i fix it with move cache key salt above /* That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */
after that all is fine…


define( ‘WP_CACHE_KEY_SALT’, ‘domain.com:’ );
define(‘WP_REDIS_MAXTTL’, 900);

/* That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */

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This seems to have been the culprit!

Thanks @LilMon !

At least for now it is looking all good… I moved the WP_CACHE_KEY_SALT and WP_CACHE definition above the /That’s all,stop edition! Happy blogging./ line

Could you give my sites an external visit and tell me if both are looking ok to you as well? https://luciaschwalenberg.de and https://saskialund.de


Yes Saskia
your sites good to go… :smiley: