How to add/edit privacy levels


Our client has only 2 privacy options on their site.

  • everyone
  • friends & Users

how to we add a privacy options for “Users only”?

Hi @project_assistant,

We already have 4 different privacy that are public, users, friends and private. You can check documentation for the same here ->

Our clients has only two on their website. and also with a different option name… im confused how that could happened, i think someone could have removed/edit them prior to us.

is there anyway that we could look at the code level on this? maybe some options were disabled at the back end level?

Hi @project_assistant,

Are you using some other privacy plugin ? Please also make sure that rtMedia privacy is enabled from admin settings.

Hi! we are not using any other privacy plugins

Hi @project_assistant,

It should work than, please once try to check with WordPress default theme and with other plugins disabled.