2018/04/17 09:41:55 [debug] 21342#0: *89 event timer del: 4: 1523954515443 2018/04/17 09:41:55 [debug] 21342#0: *89 http keepalive handler 2018/04/17 09:41:55 [debug] 21342#0: *89 close http connection: 4 2018/04/17 09:41:55 [debug] 21342#0: *89 reusable connection: 0 2018/04/17 09:41:55 [debug] 21342#0: *89 free: 0000000000000000 2018/04/17 09:41:55 [debug] 21342#0: *89 free: 00007F0276FE9F50, unused: 112 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http header: "Host: domain.uk" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http header: "Connection: keep-alive" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http header: "Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http header: "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; X) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/65.0.3325.109 Mobile Safari/537.36" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http header: "Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http header: "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http header: "Accept-Language: en-GB,en-US;q=0.9,en;q=0.8" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http header done 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 event timer del: 16: 1523954574558 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 generic phase: 0 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 rewrite phase: 1 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http script var 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http script var: "/" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http script regex: "^.+(readme|license|example)\.(txt|html)$" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [notice] 21342#0: *92 "^.+(readme|license|example)\.(txt|html)$" does not match "/", client: xx.xx.xx.xx, server: domain.uk, request: "GET / HTTP/1.1", host: "domain.uk" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http script if 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http script if: false 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 test location: "/" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 test location: ~ "\.php$" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 test location: ~ "\.(ogg|ogv|svg|svgz|eot|otf|woff|mp4|ttf|css|rss|atom|js|jpg|jpeg|gif|png|ico|zip|tgz|gz|rar|bz2|doc|xls|exe|ppt|tar|mid|midi|wav|bmp|rtf|swf)$" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 test location: ~ "/\.well-known" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 test location: ~ "/\." 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 test location: ~ "^.+\.(bak|log|old|orig|original|php#|php~|php_bak|save|swo|swp|sql)$" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 test location: ~ "^/(status|ping)" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 using configuration "/" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http cl:-1 max:104857600 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 rewrite phase: 3 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 rewrite phase: 4 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 post rewrite phase: 5 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 generic phase: 6 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 generic phase: 7 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 generic phase: 8 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 access phase: 9 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 access phase: 10 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 access phase: 11 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 access phase: 12 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 post access phase: 13 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 try files phase: 14 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http script var: "/" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 trying to use file: "/" "/var/www/domain.uk/htdocs/" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http script var: "/" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 trying to use dir: "/" "/var/www/domain.uk/htdocs/" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 try file uri: "/" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 content phase: 15 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 open index "/var/www/domain.uk/htdocs/index.php" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 internal redirect: "/index.php?" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 rewrite phase: 1 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http script var 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http script var: "/index.php" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http script regex: "^.+(readme|license|example)\.(txt|html)$" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [notice] 21342#0: *92 "^.+(readme|license|example)\.(txt|html)$" does not match "/index.php", client: xx.xx.xx.xx, server: domain.uk, request: "GET / HTTP/1.1", host: "domain.uk" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http script if 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http script if: false 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 test location: "/" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 test location: "pma" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 test location: "nginx_status" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 test location: "favicon.ico" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 test location: ~ "\.php$" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 using configuration "\.php$" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http cl:-1 max:104857600 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 rewrite phase: 3 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 rewrite phase: 4 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 post rewrite phase: 5 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 generic phase: 6 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 generic phase: 7 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 generic phase: 8 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 access phase: 9 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 access phase: 10 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 access phase: 11 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 access phase: 12 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 post access phase: 13 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 try files phase: 14 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http script var: "/index.php" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 trying to use file: "/index.php" "/var/www/domain.uk/htdocs/index.php" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 try file uri: "/index.php" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http init upstream, client timer: 0 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 epoll add event: fd:16 op:3 ev:80002005 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http script copy: "QUERY_STRING" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 fastcgi param: "QUERY_STRING: " 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http script copy: "REQUEST_METHOD" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http script var: "GET" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 fastcgi param: "REQUEST_METHOD: GET" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http script copy: "CONTENT_TYPE" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 fastcgi param: "CONTENT_TYPE: " 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http script copy: "CONTENT_LENGTH" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 fastcgi param: "CONTENT_LENGTH: " 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http script copy: "SCRIPT_FILENAME" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http script var: "/var/www/domain.uk/htdocs/index.php" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 fastcgi param: "SCRIPT_FILENAME: /var/www/domain.uk/htdocs/index.php" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http script copy: "SCRIPT_NAME" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http script var: "/index.php" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 fastcgi param: "SCRIPT_NAME: /index.php" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http script copy: "REQUEST_URI" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http script var: "/" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 fastcgi param: "REQUEST_URI: /" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http script copy: "DOCUMENT_URI" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http script var: "/index.php" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 fastcgi param: "DOCUMENT_URI: /index.php" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http script copy: "DOCUMENT_ROOT" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http script var: "/var/www/domain.uk/htdocs" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 fastcgi param: "DOCUMENT_ROOT: /var/www/domain.uk/htdocs" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http script copy: "SERVER_PROTOCOL" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http script var: "HTTP/1.1" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 fastcgi param: "SERVER_PROTOCOL: HTTP/1.1" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http script copy: "" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http script copy: "GATEWAY_INTERFACE" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http script copy: "CGI/1.1" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 fastcgi param: "GATEWAY_INTERFACE: CGI/1.1" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http script copy: "SERVER_SOFTWARE" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http script copy: "nginx/" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http script var: "1.10.3" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 fastcgi param: "SERVER_SOFTWARE: nginx/1.10.3" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http script copy: "REMOTE_ADDR" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http script var: "xx.xx.xx.xx" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 fastcgi param: "REMOTE_ADDR: xx.xx.xx.xx" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http script copy: "REMOTE_PORT" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http script var: "48945" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 fastcgi param: "REMOTE_PORT: 48945" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http script copy: "SERVER_ADDR" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http script var: "" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 fastcgi param: "SERVER_ADDR:" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http script copy: "SERVER_PORT" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http script var: "80" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 fastcgi param: "SERVER_PORT: 80" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http script copy: "SERVER_NAME" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http script var: "domain.uk" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 fastcgi param: "SERVER_NAME: domain.uk" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http script copy: "REDIRECT_STATUS" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http script copy: "200" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 fastcgi param: "REDIRECT_STATUS: 200" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 fastcgi param: "HTTP_HOST: domain.uk" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 fastcgi param: "HTTP_CONNECTION: keep-alive" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 fastcgi param: "HTTP_UPGRADE_INSECURE_REQUESTS: 1" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 fastcgi param: "HTTP_USER_AGENT: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; X) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/65.0.3325.109 Mobile Safari/537.36" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 fastcgi param: "HTTP_ACCEPT: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 fastcgi param: "HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING: gzip, deflate" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 fastcgi param: "HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE: en-GB,en-US;q=0.9,en;q=0.8" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http cleanup add: 00007F027701D2E8 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 get rr peer, try: 1 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 stream socket 4 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 epoll add connection: fd:4 ev:80002005 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 connect to, fd:4 #93 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http upstream connect: -2 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 posix_memalign: 00007F0276F92250:128 @16 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 event timer add: 4: 60000:1523954578159 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http finalize request: -4, "/index.php?" a:1, c:3 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http request count:3 blk:0 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http finalize request: -4, "/index.php?" a:1, c:2 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http request count:2 blk:0 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 post event 00007F0269E91190 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 post event 00007F0269E91250 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 delete posted event 00007F0269E91190 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http run request: "/index.php?" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http upstream check client, write event:1, "/index.php" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http upstream recv(): -1 (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 delete posted event 00007F0269E91250 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http upstream request: "/index.php?" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http upstream send request handler 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http upstream send request 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http upstream send request body 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 chain writer buf fl:0 s:888 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 chain writer in: 00007F027701D320 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 writev: 888 of 888 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 chain writer out: 0000000000000000 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 event timer del: 4: 1523954578159 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 event timer add: 4: 300000:1523954818161 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 post event 00007F026A1161C0 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 post event 00007F0269E91250 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 delete posted event 00007F026A1161C0 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http upstream request: "/index.php?" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http upstream process header 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 malloc: 00007F0276FCF230:32768 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 posix_memalign: 00007F026A0A0E10:4096 @16 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 recv: fd:4 8192 of 32768 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http fastcgi record byte: 01 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http fastcgi record byte: 06 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http fastcgi record byte: 00 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http fastcgi record byte: 01 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http fastcgi record byte: 1F 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http fastcgi record byte: F8 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http fastcgi record byte: 00 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http fastcgi record byte: 00 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http fastcgi record length: 8184 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http fastcgi parser: 0 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http fastcgi header: "Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http fastcgi parser: 0 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http fastcgi header: "Link: ; rel="https://api.w.org/"" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http fastcgi parser: 1 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http fastcgi header done 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 uploadprogress error-tracker error: 0 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 xslt filter header 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: nginx Date: Tue, 17 Apr 2018 08:41:58 GMT Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 Transfer-Encoding: chunked Connection: keep-alive Vary: Accept-Encoding Link: ; rel="https://api.w.org/" X-Powered-By: EasyEngine 3.7.5 Content-Encoding: gzip 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 write new buf t:1 f:0 00007F026A0A1158, pos 00007F026A0A1158, size: 302 file: 0, size: 0 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http write filter: l:0 f:0 s:302 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http cacheable: 0 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http upstream process upstream 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 pipe read upstream: 1 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 pipe preread: 8082 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 readv: 1, last:24576 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 readv() not ready (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 pipe recv chain: -2 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 pipe buf free s:0 t:1 f:0 00007F0276FCF230, pos 00007F0276FCF29E, size: 8082 file: 0, size: 0 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 pipe length: 8 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 input buf #0 00007F0276FCF29E 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 input buf 00007F0276FCF29E 8082 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 pipe write downstream: 1 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 pipe write busy: 0 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 pipe write buf ls:1 00007F0276FCF29E 8082 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 pipe write: out:00007F026A0A1390, f:0 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http output filter "/index.php?" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http copy filter: "/index.php?" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 image filter 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 xslt filter body 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http postpone filter "/index.php?" 00007F026A0A1390 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http gzip filter 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 malloc: 00007F0269EF1020:270336 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 gzip alloc: n:1 s:5936 a:8192 p:00007F0269EF1020 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 gzip alloc: n:32768 s:2 a:65536 p:00007F0269EF3020 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 gzip alloc: n:32768 s:2 a:65536 p:00007F0269F03020 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 gzip alloc: n:32768 s:2 a:65536 p:00007F0269F13020 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 gzip alloc: n:16384 s:4 a:65536 p:00007F0269F23020 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 gzip in: 00007F026A0A1380 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 gzip in_buf:00007F026A0A13A0 ni:00007F0276FCF29E ai:8082 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 malloc: 00007F026A095020:8192 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 deflate in: ni:00007F0276FCF29E no:00007F026A095020 ai:8082 ao:8192 fl:0 redo:0 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 deflate out: ni:00007F0276FD1230 no:00007F026A095020 ai:0 ao:8192 rc:0 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 gzip in_buf:00007F026A0A13A0 pos:00007F0276FCF29E 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 gzip in: 0000000000000000 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http copy filter: 0 "/index.php?" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 pipe write busy: 0 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 pipe write: out:0000000000000000, f:0 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 pipe read upstream: 0 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 pipe buf free s:0 t:1 f:0 00007F0276FCF230, pos 00007F0276FCF230, size: 0 file: 0, size: 0 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 pipe length: 1 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 event timer: 4, old: 1523954818161, new: 1523954818365 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 delete posted event 00007F0269E91250 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http upstream request: "/index.php?" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http upstream dummy handler 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 post event 00007F026A1161C0 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 post event 00007F0269E91250 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 delete posted event 00007F026A1161C0 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http upstream request: "/index.php?" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http upstream process upstream 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 pipe read upstream: 1 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 readv: 1, last:32768 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 pipe recv chain: 32768 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http fastcgi record byte: 01 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http fastcgi record byte: 06 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http fastcgi record byte: 00 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http fastcgi record byte: 01 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http fastcgi record byte: 00 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http fastcgi record byte: EA 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http fastcgi record byte: 06 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http fastcgi record byte: 00 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http fastcgi record length: 234 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 input buf #1 00007F0276FCF238 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http fastcgi record byte: 01 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http fastcgi record byte: 06 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http fastcgi record byte: 00 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http fastcgi record byte: 01 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http fastcgi record byte: AE 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http fastcgi record byte: C0 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http fastcgi record byte: 00 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http fastcgi record byte: 00 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http fastcgi record length: 44736 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 input buf #1 00007F0276FCF330 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 input buf 00007F0276FCF330 32512 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 malloc: 00007F0277066C70:16384 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 readv: 1, last:16384 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 pipe recv chain: 12224 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 readv: 1, last:4160 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 readv() not ready (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 pipe recv chain: -2 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 pipe buf in s:1 t:1 f:0 00007F0276FCF230, pos 00007F0276FCF238, size: 234 file: 0, size: 0 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 pipe buf in s:1 t:1 f:0 00007F0276FCF230, pos 00007F0276FCF330, size: 32512 file: 0, size: 0 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 pipe buf free s:0 t:1 f:0 00007F0277066C70, pos 00007F0277066C70, size: 12224 file: 0, size: 0 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 pipe length: 12224 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 input buf #2 00007F0277066C70 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 input buf 00007F0277066C70 12224 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 pipe write downstream: 1 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 pipe write busy: 0 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 pipe write buf ls:0 00007F0276FCF238 234 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 pipe write buf ls:1 00007F0276FCF330 32512 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 pipe write buf ls:1 00007F0277066C70 12224 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 pipe write: out:00007F026A0A1390, f:0 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http output filter "/index.php?" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http copy filter: "/index.php?" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 image filter 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 xslt filter body 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http postpone filter "/index.php?" 00007F026A0A14C8 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http gzip filter 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 gzip in: 00007F026A0A1618 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 gzip in_buf:00007F026A0A13A0 ni:00007F0276FCF238 ai:234 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 deflate in: ni:00007F0276FCF238 no:00007F026A095020 ai:234 ao:8192 fl:0 redo:0 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 deflate out: ni:00007F0276FCF322 no:00007F026A095020 ai:0 ao:8192 rc:0 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 gzip in_buf:00007F026A0A13A0 pos:00007F0276FCF238 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 gzip in: 00007F026A0A1628 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 gzip in_buf:00007F026A0A14E8 ni:00007F0276FCF330 ai:32512 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 deflate in: ni:00007F0276FCF330 no:00007F026A095020 ai:32512 ao:8192 fl:0 redo:0 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 deflate out: ni:00007F0276FD7230 no:00007F026A095020 ai:0 ao:8192 rc:0 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 gzip in_buf:00007F026A0A14E8 pos:00007F0276FCF330 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 gzip in: 00007F026A0A1638 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 gzip in_buf:00007F026A0A15A8 ni:00007F0277066C70 ai:12224 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 deflate in: ni:00007F0277066C70 no:00007F026A095020 ai:12224 ao:8192 fl:0 redo:0 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 deflate out: ni:00007F0277069C30 no:00007F026A095020 ai:0 ao:8192 rc:0 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 gzip in_buf:00007F026A0A15A8 pos:00007F0277066C70 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 gzip in: 0000000000000000 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http copy filter: 0 "/index.php?" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 pipe write busy: 0 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 pipe write: out:0000000000000000, f:0 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 pipe read upstream: 0 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 pipe buf free s:0 t:1 f:0 00007F0276FCF230, pos 00007F0276FCF230, size: 0 file: 0, size: 0 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 pipe buf free s:0 t:1 f:0 00007F0277066C70, pos 00007F0277066C70, size: 0 file: 0, size: 0 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 pipe length: 1 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 event timer: 4, old: 1523954818161, new: 1523954818379 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 delete posted event 00007F0269E91250 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http upstream request: "/index.php?" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http upstream dummy handler 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 post event 00007F026A1161C0 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 post event 00007F0269E91250 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 delete posted event 00007F026A1161C0 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http upstream request: "/index.php?" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http upstream process upstream 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 pipe read upstream: 1 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 readv: 2, last:16384 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 pipe recv chain: 48 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 readv: 2, last:16384 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 readv() not ready (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 pipe recv chain: -2 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 pipe buf free s:0 t:1 f:0 00007F0276FCF230, pos 00007F0276FCF230, size: 48 file: 0, size: 0 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 pipe buf free s:0 t:1 f:0 00007F0277066C70, pos 00007F0277066C70, size: 0 file: 0, size: 0 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 pipe length: 1 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http fastcgi record byte: 01 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http fastcgi record byte: 06 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http fastcgi record byte: 00 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http fastcgi record byte: 01 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http fastcgi record byte: 00 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http fastcgi record byte: 14 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http fastcgi record byte: 04 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http fastcgi record byte: 00 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http fastcgi record length: 20 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 input buf #3 00007F0276FCF238 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http fastcgi record byte: 01 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http fastcgi record byte: 03 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http fastcgi record byte: 00 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http fastcgi record byte: 01 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http fastcgi record byte: 00 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http fastcgi record byte: 08 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http fastcgi record byte: 00 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http fastcgi record byte: 00 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http fastcgi record length: 8 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http fastcgi sent end request 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 input buf 00007F0276FCF238 20 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 pipe write downstream: 1 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 pipe write downstream flush in 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http output filter "/index.php?" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http copy filter: "/index.php?" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 image filter 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 xslt filter body 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http postpone filter "/index.php?" 00007F026A0A1598 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http gzip filter 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 gzip in: 00007F026A0A15F8 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 gzip in_buf:00007F026A0A15A8 ni:00007F0276FCF238 ai:20 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 deflate in: ni:00007F0276FCF238 no:00007F026A095020 ai:20 ao:8192 fl:0 redo:0 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 deflate out: ni:00007F0276FCF24C no:00007F026A095020 ai:0 ao:8192 rc:0 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 gzip in_buf:00007F026A0A15A8 pos:00007F0276FCF238 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 gzip in: 0000000000000000 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http copy filter: 0 "/index.php?" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 pipe write downstream done 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 event timer: 4, old: 1523954818161, new: 1523954818384 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http upstream exit: 0000000000000000 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 finalize http upstream request: 0 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 finalize http fastcgi request 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 free rr peer 1 0 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 close http upstream connection: 4 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 free: 00007F0276F92250, unused: 48 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 event timer del: 4: 1523954818161 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 delete posted event 00007F0269E91250 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 reusable connection: 0 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http upstream temp fd: -1 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http output filter "/index.php?" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http copy filter: "/index.php?" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 image filter 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 xslt filter body 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http postpone filter "/index.php?" 00007FFDD5D9D9D0 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http gzip filter 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 gzip in: 00007F026A0A14C8 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 gzip in_buf:00007F026A0A1648 ni:0000000000000000 ai:0 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 deflate in: ni:0000000000000000 no:00007F026A095020 ai:0 ao:8192 fl:4 redo:0 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 deflate out: ni:0000000000000000 no:00007F026A097020 ai:0 ao:0 rc:0 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 gzip in_buf:00007F026A0A1648 pos:0000000000000000 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 malloc: 00007F0276FD7240:8192 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 deflate in: ni:0000000000000000 no:00007F0276FD7240 ai:0 ao:8192 fl:4 redo:1 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 deflate out: ni:0000000000000000 no:00007F0276FD9240 ai:0 ao:0 rc:0 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 gzip in_buf:00007F026A0A1648 pos:0000000000000000 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 malloc: 00007F0276FD9250:8192 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 deflate in: ni:0000000000000000 no:00007F0276FD9250 ai:0 ao:8192 fl:4 redo:1 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 deflate out: ni:0000000000000000 no:00007F0276FD992C ai:0 ao:6436 rc:1 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 gzip in_buf:00007F026A0A1648 pos:0000000000000000 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 free: 00007F0269EF1020 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http chunk: 10 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http chunk: 8192 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http chunk: 8192 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http chunk: 1764 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 write old buf t:1 f:0 00007F026A0A1158, pos 00007F026A0A1158, size: 302 file: 0, size: 0 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 write new buf t:1 f:0 00007F026A0A1888, pos 00007F026A0A1888, size: 6 file: 0, size: 0 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 write new buf t:0 f:0 0000000000000000, pos 0000000000769820, size: 10 file: 0, size: 0 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 write new buf t:1 f:0 00007F026A095020, pos 00007F026A095020, size: 8192 file: 0, size: 0 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 write new buf t:1 f:0 00007F0276FD7240, pos 00007F0276FD7240, size: 8192 file: 0, size: 0 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 write new buf t:1 f:0 00007F0276FD9250, pos 00007F0276FD9250, size: 1764 file: 0, size: 0 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 write new buf t:0 f:0 0000000000000000, pos 0000000000522A99, size: 7 file: 0, size: 0 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http write filter: l:1 f:1 s:18473 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http write filter limit 0 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 writev: 18473 of 18473 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http write filter 0000000000000000 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http copy filter: 0 "/index.php?" 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http finalize request: 0, "/index.php?" a:1, c:1 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 set http keepalive handler 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http close request 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http log handler 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 free: 00007F0276FD9250 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 free: 00007F0276FD7240 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 free: 00007F0277066C70 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 free: 00007F026A095020 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 free: 0000000000000000 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 free: 00007F0276FCF230 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 free: 00007F026A0B4AC0, unused: 0 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 free: 00007F027701C380, unused: 14 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 free: 00007F026A0A0E10, unused: 902 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 free: 00007F027701EAE0 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 hc free: 0000000000000000 0 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 hc busy: 0000000000000000 0 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 tcp_nodelay 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 reusable connection: 1 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 event timer add: 16: 30000:1523954548384 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 post event 00007F026A116100 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 delete posted event 00007F026A116100 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 http keepalive handler 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 malloc: 00007F027701EAE0:1024 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 recv: fd:16 -1 of 1024 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 recv() not ready (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) 2018/04/17 09:41:58 [debug] 21342#0: *92 free: 00007F027701EAE0 xx.xx.xx.xx 0.225 - [17/Apr/2018:09:41:58 +0100] domain.uk "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 18171 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; X) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/65.0.3325.109 Mobile Safari/537.36"