Install sites with EE for different Linux users

Hi there,

Referring to this post: Easy Engine and Shared Hosting (March 2014) stating that there are plans for EE to support installing / creating sites under separate Linux users.

Is this still on the road map / planned? Or, is this somehow possible with EE currently? (it doesn’t appear to be the case, I understand that all sites will be under user www-data)

Thanks for your time!

Currently, everything runs under www-data.

Perhaps this might be of some help for you right now:


Thanks very much for your responses. Would still be nice to know if this is planned for EE.

The comment from @portofacil is correct. The article actually explains some of the reasons why setting up folders under specific users and groups generally doesn’t work and why using fuse is better.

I’m pretty sure this is how MediaTemple actually sets up their GS system.

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www-data owner

chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/

setting all directories with 755 permission and all files with 644 permission

sudo find /var/www -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \; sudo find /var/www -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;