Cannot get past sqlite error

From the command line, I can see the server running.


Remaining Queue
Currently Processing
Current Parallel Processes:
Max Parallel Processes:

I can see port 1203 running but connecting using http leads to nothing. (My local dev server)

Unable to connect
Firefox can’t establish a connection to the server at

I have the firewall disabled so that’s not the issue.

Thought it might be one of the frewalls since the lans are all separated but nope, that’s not it either.

I see the following

tcp 0 0* LISTEN

This seems to imply that the server is only allowing local IP connections to 1203 and not outside servers.

In default media-node configuration it is not accessible outside the server, that’s why i told you to access by ssh tunnel proxy from your laptop/pc having browser.

or you can change ip in ffmpeg_server.js line no 19 and change by your public ip (

then restart media node.

Can’t seem to find info on how to restart node server

Ohh sorry i forgot to tell

kill -9  $(ps aux | grep ' ffmpeg_server.js' | awk '{print $2}')  

node /root/media-node/ffmpeg_server.js >> /var/log/ffmpeg_server.log &

[root@mnode media-node]# node /root/media-node/ffmpeg_server.js >> /var/log/ffmpeg_server.log &
[1] 3797
[root@mnode media-node]# Error: SQLITE_ERROR: duplicate column name: duration
Error: SQLITE_ERROR: duplicate column name: thumbs

tcp 0 0* LISTEN

Anyhow, now using browser, I do see two empty lines, a Browse for file option and Upload.

Yes, it just for testing purpose.

1st for callback url
2nd output format audio/video default value is video if not pass.

Ok, so even with the sqlite errors, you believe this is running as it should be then? Is there a way of testing before using the plugin? Like uploading a video file which is not mp4?

I uploaded an AVI file, hit upload and got


I did see node running in the task list but no idea if the video was converted. Didn’t seem to take very long. Where would the file be?

Simply just check status.


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No no no… I like being able to maintain and understand everything as much as possible when it comes to my network. I appreciate the offer however.

So, as I mentioned, I did upload a file but there was no output other than stated. Is the uploaded file converted and copied onto the media-node server and if so, where?

Hi, I’m having similar problems with my installation of the media node. I’ve installed the script on both Ubuntu and now Red hat. The scripts go most of the way through and then die after:
Error: SQLITE_ERROR: duplicate column name: duration
Error: SQLITE_ERROR: duplicate column name: thumbs

I’ve manually set the ffmpeg_server.js running and also I’ve tried the curl command. Both the ffmpeg and media node seem to be running.

The only thing I probably need to mention is that I’m running this on an EC2 server on Amazon.

I have the ffmpeg Add-on added into rtMedia Pro. I cannot get the ffmpeg component to connect with the server and pass the test. It tells me that it isn’t configured correctly.

I need help please! I’ve been at this for several days.



You may need to change/specify your server public IP in this file /root/media-node/ffmpeg_server.js
from to your current public IP. Check line here

After that you need to restart media node using these commands
`killall -9 node’
cd /root/media-node
node ffmpeg_server.js >> /var/log/ffmpeg_server.log &


Thanks Nitun, I tried your suggestion and it didn’t seem to help. I’ve switched line 19 in ffmpeg_server.js to the EC2 IP address ( and also my WordPress server IP ( and neither one makes much difference.

When I switch the IP’s the Curl command stops working (even if I substitute 127.0.01 for my EC2 IP in the curl command).

Right now I think my ffmpeg server is working. If I use the command you provided above:
node ffmpeg_server.js >> /var/log/ffmpeg_server.log & I get back:~

Error: listen EADDRINUSE
at errnoException (net.js:901:11)
at Server._listen2 (net.js:1039:14)
at listen (net.js:1061:10)
at net.js:1135:9
at dns.js:72:18
at process._tickCallback (node.js:415:13)
at Function.Module.runMain (module.js:499:11)
at startup (node.js:119:16)
at node.js:901:3
Error: SQLITE_ERROR: duplicate column name: duration
Error: SQLITE_ERROR: duplicate column name: thumbs

[2]+ Done node ffmpeg_server.js >> /var/log/ffmpeg_server.log

If I use the command: curl
I get back:-

Remaining Queue

Currently Processing


Current Parallel Processes:

Max Parallel Processes:

This I am assuming is telling me that the both ffmpeg and the Node are working? The “Error: listen EADDRINUSE” seems to be a problem though?

Thanks for your help — Dave

This is not working It means, that IP is not accessible.
If you have installed the media node on your EC2 server, then above status page should work from your WordPress site.

As you mentioned local ip status working for you, then you can ignore both the errors, and just to confirm the FFMPEG working fine, cross check

I’ve got exactly the same problem with Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS.

rtcamp team, is there any chance that you make an update of the install script ?